1 definition by toastyladyyy

The most badass bitch you'll ever come in contact with! She's very loud and very proud.
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, mess with her, she's not afraid to kick some ass.
Chelsea has the most beautiful blue eyes you can get lost in, her hair is soft like a bunny, her personality is epicly awesome, and she's a cute short girl who loves a tall guy.
Often referred to as "Mama Bird" or "Big Booty Judy" Chelsea is loved by most and feared by all!
She is also the best girlfriend any guy could ever dream of, she does everything she possibly can for her man, and she doesn't mind!
A spunky, attractive, funny, street-smart, Ginger who knows how to talk her way out of anything and get what she wants by manipulating those she needs to in order to get what she wants. Chelsea is typically a warm-hearted lady who will help everyone she can in anyway she can. She is a great listener and the best friend anyone could ever ask for.
She treats her friends like family, especially her younger friends, she tends to "adopt" the younger kiddos as her own kids.
All in all, Chelsea is one of the best people to have in your life. Once you have her, NEVER let her go, EVER.
guy 1: "hey have you met chelsea yet?"
guy 2: "no not yet. why?"
guy 1: "you have to meet her! you'll fall in love!"
by toastyladyyy September 26, 2013
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