1 definition by thisdudeSHANEistheshit

AKA BC13. A screamo/crunk/scene band from albuquerque new mexico. Although some people seem to hate them everyone else intends to booty pop to all of their songs. And despite popular belief they do not go out to a homosexual audience or as some call it 'emofag'. They do music and music is for whoever is interested in it not a certain clique. Brokencyde is just 4 guys with a dream and no one can change that.
Dude I'm so tired of people trashing Brokencyde!

Eh well they suck so who cares man.

Well yeah, but that shouldn't stop the dudes from pursuing their dreams!

Yeah you're right! Our country is just going downhill from here....
by thisdudeSHANEistheshit June 22, 2009
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