2 definitions by thesubordinate

Where you tie a goof looking pair of shoelaces around your neck to look like a tie, and deny it was a shoelaces at all whatsoever.
tim:Hey bob whats with the shoelaces?
tim shut the fuck up! this is a string tie.
by thesubordinate May 18, 2011
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A. Feeling of disappointment due to something bad happening,
or B.What you get when you get turn down for sex.
A.Joe: Dude it turns out those tickets i bought for the concert are fake. We can't go.
Mark:Damn, that gives me a serious dry horn

B. Trisha:Oh i'm sorry, i just don't feel that way about you.
Mark: fuck, I got really bad dry horn.
by thesubordinate August 15, 2010
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