2 definitions by thejuicebox

A phrase often used to designate the preppy, douchey, entitled, often "Sperry Top-Sider" wearing, dickholes of North-Eastern descent, who are huge pussy bitches. It is not uncommon for these douchenozzle's to be seen paring their "Vineyard Vines" attire, or their American Flag short shorts, with a pair of "Sperry Top-Siders". All in all, if you encounter one of these kooks, proceed to flee the area, or jump his ass with your fellow tube rider's. It should also be noted that these little pixie boy's do not charge, and have no ability whatsoever to Shred the Gnar.
3 students from Boston College have the following conversation

Bro 1: Bro did you check Surfline today?!? Lowers is totally firing back home! Tubes and Hacks for days Brah!

Bro 2: No way Brudda! Sounds Gnarly! We'd totally be charging it right now! Cant wait to jet home Friday!

Sperry Fairy: Ummm... Excuse me sir?? We are currently inhabiting civilization within the North-Eastern most expanse of the United States of America. In turn, I have the pleasure of informing you that we "refined" individuals refrain from using the word, umm.... "Gnarly", good day now.
by thejuicebox December 16, 2013
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when you get really high and drunk and go to mcdonalds
hey wanna go get mcd'd?
by thejuicebox November 28, 2010
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