17 definitions by thee radical eclectic

Reference to people with no class or minimal values in latin languages, particularly trailer park residents and those with violent tendencies or drug habits but also limited fashion sense. It remains to be seen if the term is a part of racist or hate language.

Street slang for drugs purchased in powder form.
Dont listen to that jive, thats the basura in her comin out.

The club was crawlin with basura that night.
by thee radical eclectic August 16, 2006
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n. The actual dirt or details that comprise a complex situation which is usually passed on from a first hand participant in the ongoing 'drama.' Sometimes this phrase references the prior details of a scenario such as background connections which expose real motive or the base common denominator that the average person may not know.
Lemme give you the low down on dupont chemicals and the situation in bophal india.

She hooked me up with the low down on why they meet up after work everynight and now I see that its all business.
by thee radical eclectic August 17, 2006
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something or someone who is so crazy tasty that you would do nearly anything to have another piece...
MMmm... that car is so psycholicious that I might just have to raid my savings and make it my own.... Ouch!
by thee radical eclectic October 8, 2006
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