3 definitions by the awesome amigo

Its when your phone rings while your having sex with someone and let it ring.
Man 1: Yeah, so I was banging this chick and we were having an awesome time until someone CUMOLOPHONED me
Man 2: Who CUMOLOPHONED then
Man1: Your sister wanting seconds
by the awesome amigo May 19, 2010
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A kick ass scarecrow who is slightly chubby and yet ironically named Skinny, he is powered by a mechanical heart placed where the heart should be on the human anatomy, he often wears jack ups, a flannel shirt and a straw hat he's favourite food is sandwich flavoured sandwiches and he always carries a hatchet with him, which he uses to mutilate people who call him fat.
Man 1: Yo SKINNY THE SCARECROW your'e fat

Man 2: Dude his coming over run!

by the awesome amigo June 26, 2010
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when something or someone is awesome but at the same time equally gross.
man 1: Yo dude, get in here there was some guy pulling a truck with his erection on the t.v and his penis broke off.

man 2: That's freaking EWWSOME
by the awesome amigo June 28, 2010
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