2 definitions by the REAL toasty

Franchise whoring is a type of corporate greed. It is defined as the act of slapping a well known name on a somewhat lackluster product. This is very prominent in the video game market, where companies such as Square-Enix will slap "Final Fantasy 7" or "Kingdom Hearts" on a product completely unrelated with the exception that they include one or two characters from the original, successful product.

Other specific cases of franchise whoring include:

Hyrule Warriors
Halo Wars
Every game with "Final Fantasy 7" that isn't Final Fantasy 7.
Every game based on a movie
Every movie based on a game
Every Kingdom Hearts game that isnt Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2.
The new Kingdom Hearts 24/7/69/420 game is a stretch from the first game... Squenix is REALLY whoring out their franchise to make a quick buck...

Ever since Square and Enix merged, most of the shit that has come out the pipe has been franchise whoring
by the REAL toasty September 4, 2015
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a term used to explain the place on earth furthest from any forms of modern civilization. used when you have no cell phone serivce, internet access, so on and so forth
jesus christ, i have no way to check facebook out here, why did we have to camp all the way in buttfucksville egypt?
by the REAL toasty May 13, 2009
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