3 definitions by the people's champion 1993

The act of walking up to someone (preferably a woman or large man), holding your hands like claws and pinching their nipples. After this is accomplished the person then must scuttle away while shouting 'wobobobobob' alá Futurama's Dr. Zoidberg.
Mary: Oh hello Stan...WHAT THE! OWW! MY NIPPLES!
Stan: Wobobobobob!
Mary: Stop Zoidberging people Stan!
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The act of partially wiping one’s anus post defecation. A phrase popularised by minor internet celebrity and UK top 5 music artist, Kunt and the Gang.
Just wipe it to beige, let me in and then go and finish off your poo.
by the people's champion 1993 February 14, 2021
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A term used to describe the act of purposely getting incredibly drunk to the point of absolute oblivion while out (generally with the lads) for a night on the town. Usually involves the person(s) involved waking up the next day in hospital, a ditch or jail. However, the person(s) involved cannot be held accountable for any of the actions (more than likely sexual) he or she committed.
I had sex with a rather ugly woman who somewhat resembled the Loch Ness Monster last night chaps. However I cannot be held accountable for any of my actions as I was incredibly drunk. As a wise man once said, I was monkeyed off my goose.
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