4 definitions by teh shotsharp

1. One who uses the word "fgt" much too often.

2. One who pretends to like music by T.A.T.U
Bob: Thats a lil too fgt
Scotty: stfu you griff
by teh shotsharp February 17, 2003
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1. A sharpshooter

2. One that shoots sharply

3. A master of smilies
<sherp> ~<|:&#8976;D->-
<danneh> SHARPSHOT!!!!!
by teh shotsharp February 17, 2003
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1. One who is run over by his teammates

2. A poodle
ROFL you just got putted
by teh shotsharp February 17, 2003
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1. One who is obsessed with the SASR

2. One who does not believe in jetpacks

3. One who gets some from everyone but his girlfriend
Bob: I just had a 3 some last night
Jack: With your girlfriend?
Bob: I wish
Jack: you fucking emfouraone
by teh shotsharp February 17, 2003
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