1 definition by teh frere

A very bad crime in the real world, refers to forcing sex upon someone.

On any online game however, the meaning is changed from something completely different. It's interesting that one of the #1 internet insults is to attack someone's sexuality. But raped can be used in any sense, and will never, EVER be used by the rapee to accuse the rapist of being gay.

Word of warning, don't try and challenge that either...
Example 1.
Rapist: *Headshots someone 8 consecutive matches with

a glock in counter-strike* "Dude, you just got raped!"

Rapee: "Sadface"

Example 2.
soon-to-be rapee: "It's team rockets on valhala, and

all the noobs on my team quit. I'm about to get

by teh frere May 26, 2009
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