9 definitions by tcornsimp

The act of helping someone's memory of a thing, event or an action by sending them a photo, picture or video of it.

Could be an event, a thing or an action caught on film that someone doesn't remember or "says" they don't remember (a.k.a. plausible deniability or just denial)
I can't believe you don't remember what you did last night, let me send you a video reminder.

Did you say you never wore those hideous clothes, I'll send you a video reminder of you in them?
by tcornsimp July 22, 2009
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The act of expressing some outrageous, energetic and exacerbated joy or acknowledgment, as for the achievement or good fortune of another.

The most extreme way to express joy in the success or good fortune of another.

Generally used in a sarcastic manner, or in a derogatory sense.
Wow! That's amazing, you two got married on your first date, I'm sure it'll last forever, congratufrickenlations !
by tcornsimp February 13, 2008