3 definitions by taco pown3r

1. nintendo's handheld gimmick i mean GAMING device.

2. dog shit
nintendo fanboy- i just got a nintendo DS its better than psp because its made by nintendo. want to play?

normal person-no thanks i'd rather play with the other kind of DS.
by taco pown3r August 20, 2009
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playstation portable: the first handheld video game platform to offer ps2 quality gameplay along with many ipod-esque features that kick the shit out of a lame nintendo DS (or DSi). it is also home to the irritating web browser i'm using to write this definition. sometimes reffered to as playstation pornable because of said web browser
psp makes anywhere better
by taco pown3r August 20, 2009
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1. The word that describes eating on the internet

2. Any picture captioned with the word omnomnom (similar to lolcat or failpic)
1. gtg i hav 2 omnomnom

2. Dude, this omnomnom is freakin' hillarious!
by taco pown3r August 19, 2009
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