1 definition by supkillaahh

Rockaway New Jersey is a fairly large town filled with snobby rich kids in overly developed houses. If you go too far north into Rockaway you'll encounter a strange breed of people that inhabit Greenpond Lake. Although some are classy and know how to party, others are just weird and straight up inbred.Another perk of lovely Rockaway is the White Meadow lake region. It centers around the jewish community and unless your twelve, really has nothing to offer. Rockaway cops, like neighboring town Denville cops feel that they have a job to do, besides busting parties at eleven oclock at night that is, and will pull you over on any given road for driving two miles over the speed limit, let you off with a warning, and complete ignore the turn signal-less asshole that was driving beside you. Rockaway has no real "town" unless you hang out in the borough, in which case you don't count. The town is divided up by two high schools, Morris Hills and Morris Knolls. Many will argue that hills is better, but we all know that is FALSE. Famous for the shitty Rockaway mall that any self respecting woman will tell you has no stores of value whatsoever, Rockaway has virtually nothing to offer the world and has doomed all of its society to become commuter workers and teachers for the rest of their lives. AMEN.
"Did you hear about that Rockaway party?
Yeah i just heard it got busted"

by supkillaahh March 21, 2009
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