2 definitions by stupid booger

You defenitly are very bored of school so you decided to type qpwoeimznxbclaksjdruythfgv into a search engine or urban dictionary. At this point you are starteding to get bored reading this that its radiating a bunch of bordum gas, this is called boregas it only comes from the most bored people on this planet your boredum nearvs go off and spray the gas all over your class now, everyone is bored
Justin: Hey dude I'm VERY bored, have any ideas?
Rick: Hey try typing qpwoeimznxbclaksjdruythfgv!
Justin: Thanks man!
by stupid booger May 12, 2022
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How bored could you possibly be to type such horrible words?!?!
I'm bored I think I'm gonna type alskdjfhgqpwoeirutymznxbcv!
by stupid booger May 11, 2022
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