87 definitions by stuart fletcher


Electronics; Direct Current;
Electrical current which flows in one direction in a circuit.

D.C. current is used to power electronic circuits due to many of the components such as diodes, transistors and I.C. (Intergrated Circuit) chips which can only function properly with D.C. current.

Geography; Washington D.C.
District of Columbia
CHILD: "Why does the keyboard have a larger plug than the lamp?"
BOFFIN: "Because that bitch-assed mutha-fuckin' plug got some A.C. to D.C. convertin' to do, and those fat bitch assed components needed to do that need mo' SPACE! That's why."

PILGRIM: "What does the D.C. in Washington D.C. stand for?"
FONT OF ALL KNOWLEDGE: "You travelled 12,542.7651 miles and climbed a 2,782.957611 foot high Himalayan mountain to ask me, the Font of All Knowledge THAT?! It means District of Columbia! Now go!!!"
by stuart fletcher February 22, 2005
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<verb> British slang
To fuck over;

1) To harm someone grieviously beyond immediate recognition.

2) To deceive another person or party out of their money and/or possesions.
1) "Thomas was totally fucked over by Robert and his friends. He was in hospital for sixteen years."

2) "Thomas was further fucked over by Robert and his friends, when they posed as insurance salesmen and duped the mentally weak Thomas into parting with his cash."
by stuart fletcher November 1, 2004
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The way that some people, mostly on the internet type 'enough' to either save typing an extra letter, seem like a cool person or because they actually think that 'enuff' is the correct spelling.

==> Probably originated in Haydock, England.
Andy: "Hi"
Fletch: "Hey"
Andy: "ho r u"
Fletch: "Not so bad, how are you?"
Andy: "nt gttin enuff sleep lol"
Fletch: "That's too bad."
Andy: "I no lol mite stay ov college 2mrw"
Fletch: "AGAIN?"

(... etc you get the idea.)
by stuart fletcher January 12, 2005
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