3 definitions by steezmcthrees

A term given by Vermonters to rich, out of staters (such as people from Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts) as they come up to Vermont in their big, gas guzziling SUVs to ski at the many ski resorts in Vermont. As much as the Vermonters hate flatlanders, flatlanders support their economy by visiting their country stores, gas stations, and hotels.
You know your a flatlander if:
-You drive an escalade, suburban, tahoe, yukon denali ect.

-You're annoyed at the fact that your iPhone or other expensive smartphone doesn't get 3G in Vermont.
-You own a season pass to one of the big ski resorts.
-You own a condo or house in Vermont
-You think that Vermont is a poor state when you drive along the back roads.
Vermonter- "I got passed by this flatlander driving his big Escalade on the back road to Stratton.
by steezmcthrees January 3, 2011
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A comeback, used sarcastically if someone thinks that they are cool.
Guy 1 "Hey. Guy 2. Watch me do a backflip on the trampoline.
Does backflip and lands on neck
Guy 2 "Wow your cool"
by steezmcthrees January 4, 2011
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A fast, superior computer that is often looked down on by less fourtunante, nerdy PC users because they don't have one and are jealous of those who do. And becuase of that, they make completely untrue statements about them.

Here are a few:
-Macs are dificult to use. =Actually, they are designed to make everything easier and it is the simplest os- operating system to use.
-Macs are only used if your a musical artist or running your own business. =While macs do have a great program for musicians called garage band and have programs such as iWork for aspiring entrepreneurs, they are perfect for personal use as well
-Macs are gay =Macs are not gay. They may look gay on the outside with their polished, expensive looks but on the inside- they have fast proccesers, top-notch graphics cards, and extreme power.
PC "Hey mac, lets have a speed test. I bet I'll win."
Mac "Whatever you say."

Mac starts up in 30 seconds while PC starts up in 1 minute. Mac shuts down in 5 seconds and PC shuts down in 30 seconds.
by steezmcthrees January 4, 2011
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