1 definition by somrp2

Rather small town in Rhode Island. Kids there are sterotyped as being rich and snoby which is sometimes true and (really) rarely not. Even though the people here have soooooo much money (appenantly) the schools still suck and students fear that pieces of the roof will fall on their heads as they walk down the hall. The textbooks can tell you what happened 20 years ago, and the teachers can't tell you much more then that either. When the town actually decides to spend money on the schools, the either spend it on something that will break down/fall apart in several weeks or are already obselet. For example, many wireless computers were just purchased in the middle school. The section of the school that needs them the most is unable to because they are located in the wrong section of the school.
Many preps go here and stereotype others till they crack while learning "lifelong lessons" that will only be ignored through the influence of crack.
The town is divided by townies (those who live in town) and the rest of the people. Townies tend to make less money then the rest of the town and let that stereotype themselves.
The grade point average is wayyyyyy to high and kids are divided by how well they do in school. The townies are assumed to be stupider then the rest of the kids in East Greenwich.
Kid one: Hey, aren't the schools in east greenwich nasty?
Kid two: Yeah! Watch this! *sticks pencil into celing where it sticks*
Kid one: EW!
Kid two: *Removes pencil. Walks away with Kid one.*
*Celing falls down behid them*

Kid one: How'd you do on that science test?
Kid two: *Sniffs and brushes away tears* I-I-I got a nin-ninty-t-t-t-wo!!!!!!!!!!!!
by somrp2 April 1, 2007
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