1 definition by soiaxedhimWhyYouDunDidDatFoSon

the word that describes the sound one makes when sucking/kissing their teeth especially if they have a grill

a sound that expresses disdain, dislike, disrespect for something or someone

synonymous with "pfft" or "pshh"
Courtney: "ayo homie can i hit yo bong?"
Jermaine: "nah, sun"
Courtney: "mmch, fo'get you man"
Jermaine: "Fo'get YOU man! mmch!"
Courtney: "mmch, cheap assed *****"
Jermaine: "mmch, moochin' assed *****"
by soiaxedhimWhyYouDunDidDatFoSon January 31, 2011
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