2 definitions by snedmondo

A person yearning to be recognized as rich by others, yet is cheap and petty, resulting in compromised ostentatiousness. The “L” logo of the vehicle is widely considered to represent a loser driver.
My sister’s bf is such a Lexus man- He wanted to show he’s got money by getting a Mercedes, but was too cheap to pay for the options, so he got a Lexus for the freebies. Now we all know that he’s a cheap guy with money! What a Loser!
by snedmondo August 26, 2022
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A person with no sophistication, and is simply personally disgusting by nature, often associated with pink people who pick their noses and sometimes eat what comes out.
Oh my God! That guy is such a snot picker. He’s sitting there picking the skin from his ears and chewing on it… How gross!
by snedmondo August 26, 2022
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