2 definitions by smokykateatslivezebra

1. Dialect of the Cowley mandem

2.The art of doing something quickly such as 'clapping' a drink as its presence before being consumed, is tantamount to the time it takes for one to clap their hands

3.the art of showing approval for something such as the female race or chams
she's a clappers
you know that fat chams i cooked yesterday, that was a clappers boy
by smokykateatslivezebra December 9, 2013
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1.Typical dialect of the Cowley mandem used to describe a taaaasty meal, or a substantial amount of food which may also be referred to as 'fat chams', given its large volume and deliciousness.
Damn fool, you know i be hungrier than a motherfucker, i be thinking its about that time we got some chams
by smokykateatslivezebra December 7, 2013
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