17 definitions by smokey mcpot

Some weed that has a distinct and profuse odor.
Damn, i smoked some dank ass weed the other night and got FUCKED up.
by smokey mcpot February 10, 2004
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The tooth of someone who smokes Hashish, constantly, all day long, and rarely brushes his teeth. The result is a nice brown and yellow stain right in the center of the smile, which can repulse women and friends.
What do you mean your out of hash, you could probbably scrape about an eighth off your teeth.
by smokey mcpot April 11, 2005
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Sticky icky Swoopy Woopy Schwingdangulous green funk to ever hit the land!!!!!!!!! Otherwise you smoke dirt da dirt dirt dirt dirty dirt doo be dirt schwagtabolous dirty dirt!!!!
This is the result of 5 bowls of "DANK"!!!!!!
by smokey mcpot November 22, 2004
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