1 definition by smellycatmadeline

Jaden is a extremly funny and beautiful girl. Her brown eyes are gorgeous but she doesn’t care about her appearance. She loves her friends and family with a ferocity. She is extremely dirty minded and is super popular. Jaden is pretty smart but doesn’t brag about it to everyone. She’d rather be at home curled up into a ball watching Netflix or blasting music than hanging out at a bar or something. She is a homebody. Most everyone that meets her loves her. Jaden has been hurt before by those closest to her, so she keeps her guard up. She acts tough but is the sweetest girlfriend and is a really great french kisser. Many guys are crushing on her hard.
Guy #1: Hey look at that girl. She’s gorgeous.
Guy #2: That’s definitely a Jaden.
by smellycatmadeline April 23, 2019
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