3 definitions by skipmendler

1. A large mass of milk foam that slides out of a frother onto a beverage.

2. A breast, particularly a full and well-rounded one.
1. Zo proudly topped off Bingo's latte with a perfect milkberg.

2. "Dang," said Zip, "check out the milkbergs on that barista!"
by skipmendler January 25, 2023
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1. The large mound of whipped milk foam that slides out of the frother onto your beverage.

2. A breast, especially a full and well-rounded one.
1. Zo poured out a perfect milkberg onto Bingo's coffee. They were very happy with its impressive shape.

2. "Wow, check out the milkbergs on that barista!" said Tomee.
by skipmendler January 25, 2023
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Also called AEC (not to be confused with AOC). Not-exactly-fresh coffee. Coffee still in the pot from the morning, or the previous night.
"Hey, you want some coffee? I've got some left over from breakfast, or I can make a fresh pot..."

"Nah, don't bother with fresh, already-existing coffee will be fine."
by skipmendler December 22, 2022
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