3 definitions by sj martin

An individual who can only perceive their own thoughts, feelings, and awareness of the world around them. No other set of perceptions are possible--thereby ending the notion that any other mind exists but that of the solipsist and his restricted world view.
G Bush 11 is solipsistic-chic: his perception that other countries should be forced to pursue democracy regardless of the improbable nature of that happening in tribal or dictator-led countries--and contrary to the views, opinions of a vast majority both domestically and abroad, including countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, who he perceives will benefit from his solipsistic belief system despite these countries' deep history to the contrary.
by sj martin October 2, 2006
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A one-time, long ago rapper Pubic Enemy--and current coon act who wears an oversized clock around his neck to remind every one what time it is--never explain the attachment or its symbolism.

His Vh1 TV performance is based on reciting two or three same-sounding sentences about getting 'close' to females who are actually more stupid than he is with names like Krazy, New York and Deelishis whose collective goal is producing more illegitimate mirror image selves--another example of--

cool-hip black folks who want to remind us how guilty we should feel since the end of slavery 150 years ago--so we can support and forgive their still-clinging, semi-illiterate admiration of gansta-lov'in culture.

Not be confused with the RedNeck--that perpetual sub-human group of honky-crackers proud of the red-soil southern roots, grits and confederate flag flying from their four-wheelers and Ford 150 pick-up trucks, complete with shot guns for killing deer, rabbits, coon, and all other unarmed, four legged creatures they slaughter daily before prayer time and Larry the Cable Guy.

Similarities of Rednecks and Flava Flavs include a love for their Mothers--or MotherFuckers when you consider their individual and collective ability teach their children anything of lasting value save more illegitimate children.

"Hey, Flava Flav, its time you paid child support...you fucking moron!"

by sj martin October 27, 2006
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A Roloff is a 'little person' or one born with the pathological condition of dwarfism--based on the TLC (The (The Learning Channel) TV series Little People/Big World featuring the Roloff family, three of whom (father, mother, one of the twins, Zach; the other three--two boys and a girl are of 'normal stature'.

Dwarfism is a typically pathological condition in which the physical size of a person, animal, or plant is well below
I don't think a Roloff would be running with the bulls in Spain soon. But, then again, who knows.
by sj martin October 15, 2006
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