1 definition by singburi

"Television Match Official"
During the course of an evening's alcohol consumption, the game of TMO is declared to be in session.

As the evening progresses, invariably there will be a time when someone in your party, almost always a girl (and usually called Emma?!) will say or do something unbelievably stupid or embarrassing.

Upon this event someone else in the party will declare TMO. They indicate this by clearly stating "TMO" and drawing the television umpire signal with their fingers (a rectangle).
Upon this, the rest of the party can vote whether or not the accused did indeed deserve the TMO. A show of hands for a yes vote ensues, and a majority number of hands results in the accused seeing off their drink. Rapidly.
Person 1 : Oh shit, I just sent my mum a message saying I had a huge hard-on for her lush nipple piercing!

Person 2 : TMO
(majority vote)

Person 2 : See it off son.
by singburi September 10, 2009
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