5 definitions by shs07

A primate or an ape with gigantic boobs that even Godzilla itself could not handle.
OH SNAP! Titzilla is walking towards my direction....(time to pull down my pants).
by shs07 January 12, 2005
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someone diagnosed with depensey that sits in front of the TV, jerking off, while pretending to be that character.
Mr. S. is a flamakadoodle!
by shs07 January 12, 2005
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someone diagnosed with depenesy that sits in front of the TV, jerking off, while pretending to be that character.
The guy in the Barney costume is a flamakadoodle.
by shs07 January 13, 2005
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a disorder in which your nose is longer and thicker than your penis.
The doctor told Bobert that having a depenesy is not common and should be treated quickly.
by shs07 January 12, 2005
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A disorder in which your nose is longer and thicker than your penis.
The doctor told Bobert that having depenesy is not common and should be treated quickly.
by shs07 January 13, 2005
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