2 definitions by shortyrogue

Slippin, is what happens when you are careless and naïve and someone more street savy takes advantage of that.


It can be something that happends in your life that could have been avoided. tThat you did not catch.
Ex: You were walking down the street conting your money and someone walks up to you, beats your ass, and takes your money... You was Slippin


you are not ready for kids but - you are having unsafe sex and gets a ripper pregnant...and she's keepin it. You straight slippin!
by shortyrogue January 13, 2008
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this would be a street known for it's business in prostitution. High traffic of hoes and pimps.
Also see tha stro'
Take yo ass back to tha track and bring back some bread
by shortyrogue January 13, 2008
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