1 definition by saltashstud87

Members Of The Inner Circle.

Pronounced MO-TIC.

A collective of individuals whose widely spread talents has brought them together in a close knit, mighty unit similar in both strength and numbers to the lesser known A-Team.

The main aim of this troop of remarkable men is to live whatever length lives they inhabit with the up most rowdiness and destruction available.

And trust me......they do.

(People who wish to join MOTIC but have neither the mental capacity or required level of repartee, are required to join MOTOC. More commonly known as Members Of The Outer Circle. There has never, so far, been a member of MOTOC that has advanced in such a demeanor as to deserve a place in MOTIC)
"Isn't it funny how those guys from MOTIC absolutely tear it up every time they attend a festive function."

"I wish I was cool enough to be in MOTIC!!"

"I Love MOTIC"
by saltashstud87 February 5, 2010
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