16 definitions by s..a..r..a the drummer girl

The stereotypical view on teenagers is that there whining, moody bitches but they are going to be like that because they're going through some changes.
Adults think that teenagers haven't got a point of view on anything and that they're all the same. Open your eyes, you pretentious twats! Of course they've got an opinion! It's no wonder teenagers become so grumpy because adults never hear what they've got to say.
I am a teenager myself and given the choice, I would listen to what a teenager has to say rather than listen to some annoying little kid go on about how he scraped his knee.
Give teenagers a chance. They have interesting points of view!
Teenager: School's terrible, Mum. The teachers want you to look like clones of each other. Whatever happened to freedom of expression? I'm an individual not a clone!
Mum: Yes dear
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There are two types of drugs:

1) Good drugs: These have been given to you by a doctor to make you better whatever the case may be. Examples are penicillin.

2) Bad drugs: There are many examples of these. Heroin, crack, cocaine, speed, etc. Once you try these, your hooked (or should that be 'fucked'?). There are many diffrent reasons why people take these drugs but the important thing to remember is, they'll ruin your life.

Let us not forget that alcohol and caffeine are drugs too.
Two examples of drugs:
1) Doctor: Take two of these everyday and you'll feel right as rain in about two weeks.

2) Person X decided to try coke. He got addicted to it and fucked up his life.
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