1 definition by rosewater69

He is mixed race, with pretty hair. He is passionate, outgoing, sociable, and intelligent. He is emotionally intelligent as well as book-smart. He has dumb moments, though <3. Not good with grammar, witty. Passionate about wars, especially world war II. history is his subject. He is passionate about his friends and is somewhat of a people-pleaser. He loves making people laugh, especially people he respects. He cares what everyone thinks of him, and is nice to everyone. He values intelligence and emotional connections. He is physically quite buff and cares about his body. Everyone likes him. When he walks in, you feel it. Liked by men and women. He is the leader of the pack. A wolf. A Capricorn. He wears black and chains. He loves sports and baseball. A romantic, though he tries to hide it, he secretly loves romance. Will ask you to dance. Has a constant smirk on his face. Cute dimples. Everyone who meets him is charmed.

But what everyone likes about him so much is that he's a kind person. He's nice to everyone, despite his good looks and hypnotic charisma. He draws you in. He is witty. He laughs a lot and smiles a lot. When he looks in your eyes, it feels like he's looking through you. He doesn't look away. He is strong. He is cute and knows how to make me laugh.
Omg, that guy that just smiled at me is such a Nolan. I feel like my heart is melting.

He is so cute and funny, he must be a Nolan. :)

I want a boyfriend like Nolan.
by rosewater69 April 3, 2022
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