1 definition by reaperinlove

Leneé is a unique girl with a deep soul. She is quiet but if you can make her laugh she has the best laugh ever! She is straight up and real, yet mysterious. She doesn't feel the need to show herself to the world. Leneé is selective and only has time for favorites and she's gotta be your favorite too or she will disappear! She can feel vibes easily and wouldn't hurt a living thing unless it was to protect or seek revenge if it hurt someone innocent or a loved one. Leneé is very nurtering and knows how to take care of things she cares about. She has great hygiene and likes natural beauty vs. anything fake. She is dual, her light and dark side she embraces. If you come across a Leneé it rare and a once in a lifetime moment. She will show you sides of yourself you did not know existed. Her soul will awaken yours. If you like a good mystery filled with surprises this large chested, hazel green eyed girl/woman will always keeping you wanting more. She will be your friend until the end, the one you can tell your darkest secrets to and you can trust her to keep them. Her touch is unlike any other touch, everything about her is on a different level. Don't be afraid to show her the sides you keep hidden, she will probably already know anyway. Touch her soul, hug her heart, protect her, be real and you will be one of the few that has a very special place in her world!
Yo you met a Leneé?!
by reaperinlove February 5, 2021
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