2 definitions by real Assyrian

A chalden is originally descended by an Assyrian back in the day around 2000 years ago. To give you a quick history lesson, there were 2 Assyrian brothers who were fighting another army and during the war, one of the brothers basically dogged the other and made his own cult called Chaldeans (chaldos). True Assyrians reference them as 'dogs' and they are the most hated and are deserving of it. if you identify yourself as Chaldean, you are 100% likely to be married to your first cousin and only give a shit about money and about materialistic items. if you know anyone that is Chaldean, their parents probably hate you and their kid is a defect because of the genettic mutation your get when fucking your first cousin.

If you are friends with a chaldo, I personally notify you to immediately stop being their friend
by real Assyrian March 23, 2019
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mom can i have food
by real Assyrian March 23, 2019
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