1 definition by real Wise guy

An image of randomness. It is a very rare case of being incredibly annoying yet bareable. A quality that once existed in ancient times but now due to infilteration of techology is left in very few chosen ones. May also refer to child like innocence, at an extent sometimes flirting with being plain stupid. No matter how much of a torture company of a "kanza"ish person might be, it is always welcomed for some incomprihensible reason.
Example 1
girl: so i guess you will never let me be with the freshie boy in spain I am so in love with.
father: your guess is right young lady. Now don't try to pull kanza with me, it does not work on me.

Example 2
girl: oi! don't you dare talk about my spaniard boyfriend like that. Ima rip your heart out and eat it.
Wise guy: You know sometimes I hate you, but you are too much of a kanza for me to stay mad at you.
by real Wise guy February 23, 2010
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