1 definition by rckndrmmr41

Seryi Volk Executive Response
A faction from the video game MAG. Players and clans in this faction tend to be better organized and more skilled then the other two, Valor and Raven. Though the other two have slightly better equipment.

"Slaughter Valor Eat Raven"
Person A: "I just got MAG. I'm going to join Raven!"
Person B: "They suck. No one works together and they always get crushed."
A: " They have the best weapons so I don't care."
B: "Ok nub cake, you're going to get your ass kicked."
A: " Well then who should I join then???"
B: "S.V.E.R. They always work together and pwn the other teams."
by rckndrmmr41 March 15, 2010
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