2 definitions by rapm.tmo

A metaphor for a dietary lifestyle that falls in the framework of a low-carb, ketogenic diet, but is not considered 100% carnivore (only meat). Ketovore eaters tend to primarly eat animal-based foods (meat, eggs, cheese, etc.), but allow some flexibility with very small amounts of vegetables, spices, nuts, and some berries. The goal of a ketovore eater is to keep consumption of carbohydrates very low in order to stay in ketosis ( e.g., < 50 carbs/day), but not necessarily zero-carb.
Todd likes the idea of a completely carnivore diet, but still enjoys a well-seasoned steak with a bit of fried onions, so he chooses to embrace ketovore-friendly foods to keep life flavorful and interesting.
by rapm.tmo February 3, 2022
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