1 definition by rahultyagi

Namasvi is an open-minded, and also full of ambitions.She likes perfection in everything, and she herself tries her best to do better. Her people’s personality is very attractive, which easily attracts anyone.
By nature, sometimes soft and sometimes hot, and even if there are differences with anyone, she does not take long to mess up. In general, their life is complete. She very sensitive in terms of relationships, and are equally romantic in terms of love. She is completely loyal to their love, but sometimes flirting does not deter them. It is the specialty of her to keep smiling in every situation.Her verbal intelligence is unmatched, she can ruin your life by just using words .But think before you try to mess with her because she will not shy away to show your place.
Rahul: oh my god did you see how she had a comeback for everything!
Divya: Yes,she is such a Namasvi
by rahultyagi December 18, 2021
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