1 definition by r2oo6

1.(verb)(to tweee)(tweeed) to poke with 2 fingers in the general anal area, usually a sharp quick motion used to discomfort and humiliate.

2.(v) when in sneak mode in the game: Elder Scrolls, Oblivion, you attack in hand-to-hand mode.

3.(v) any gesture involving the first 2 fingers on any hand jabbing forward, mimics the female masturbation or anal motion and is considered worse than the finger
1. Mark tweed Ray when he stood in front of the TV.

2. Todd totally pulled a twee on that rat in the Imperial City Sewers.

3. When Lindsey saw Kacie she quickly shouted, "Bitch!" and shot her the twee.
by r2oo6 September 1, 2007
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