2 definitions by q(^0^)p

1. When the sperm turn around and swim back the other way.

2. Epic Fail.
1. See Not Safe For Work comic: "A Family Outing"

2. "Oh wow this song is giving me an eargasm! And the other day I saw this great pair of shoes... it was like a shoegasm and an eyegasm at the same time!" - Sally
"Haha, you know you can't just put ~gasm onto the end of everything..." - Ian
"Failgasm!" - Ben
by q(^0^)p April 14, 2008
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Someone who says things that are so stupid or obvious that you just want to smack them upside the head.
Fey: Now how do I get this up?

Lana: You might want to rephrase that...

Jake: Yeah...



Everyone: Um, no Josh...


Jake: Smacktard...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Eliot: 'Fucktard' is the best expression ever.

Laura: No, 'smacktard' is. You smack a smacktard, but you don't fuck a fucktard.

Eliot: Yeah, well you don't arse a hole either...


Laura: WTF...
by q(^0^)p April 23, 2008
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