2 definitions by purplefanta

is the HOTTEST dude you’ll ever meet. man, they’re actually so perfect.

godly at video games, perfect body, pretty face and voice, best music taste, best fashion sense a guy could possibly have, funny as hell and a perfect mean to flirt ratio.

he’s a very caring guy and once you meet one you’ll fall in love with them right away. never let them go you’ll wanna keep them forever.
girl 1: who is that guy? they’re so attractive.

girl 2: that’s emiliano he’s so hot dude

by purplefanta May 17, 2022
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Gwyneth’s are one of the most sweetest and kindest people i’ve ever met. They are usually either really dumb or really smart no in between s. They may seem tough and intimidating but once you get to know them they’re one of the coolest and funniest people you will get to know! They are the most loyal and prettiest people and they are often missed out on. Scorpio Gwyneths are usually the most fun. They’re goofy and adorable and will be your most supportive friend <3 Also Gwyneth’s probably like to go by nicknames since their names are pretty long. Like Gwyn, Gwynie, Gwyniepooh, Wyn, Wynnie and etc.
“Omg have you met Gwyneth before?!”
“I haven’t but i’ve heard from many people she seems really smart and cool but i don’t know… they look pretty intimidating

“Oh let me introduce you!! Once you get to know her she’s a sweetheart!!!”
by purplefanta June 2, 2021
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