1 definition by prohandle24

the kind of girl that can get mist read. She has an amazing personnality. Once you gett to know her, she is cool, independante, social,un-selfish,sporty,mostly -funny,lovable,HOT,cuddly,free spirit,talented,stylish,and has a lot of empathy...(ECT)

sometimes they can be silente but they always come around!

if you have a Veronique,Vero or Veronica, hold on to them,because they can turn your life into a better place.

they always seem to have a great body!
from what I know, they even LOVE! animals!

If they contact you some how I whould advise you to contact them back and socialise with them. YOU WILL SEE,they will put a smile on your face. :)
boy: Who's that hot girl over there ?
boy 2: Her name is Veronique she is cool! You should go talk to her !
by prohandle24 December 28, 2016
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