44 definitions by progamer124

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start. A cheat code common to most classic Konami games, which gave the code its nickname. The code itself has become a symbol of old-school and/or arcade gaming. Punk group "The Ataris" named a song after the code on their album, "End Is Forever." Ironically, the Konami Code never made an appearance on an Atari console.
by progamer124 May 14, 2003
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A.K.A. Slashdotting, Slashdotted, etc.

Refers to the effect a Slashdot post has on a website. Because of slashdot's gigantic audience, any link placed there quickly goes down; very few sites can handle such huge traffic coming to their site.
Though the slashdot effect is similar to a denial of service, most webmasters don't mind the huge publicity and traffic to their site.
by progamer124 May 12, 2004
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