1 definition by poopripper

This is a certain behavior that many females have, that stems from a young age. It starts out with just a cute, lets say 6 year old girl, who is constantly told 'she is beautiful' by her parents and environment, and is treated like a princess as long as she behaves. This might happen throughout all her years of growing up; she's called 'the most beautiful girl in the class' or is made to feel like she is 'what every guy wants'. In the end, she will have a long list of men that hit on her, but that she ended up rejecting.

The problem is if you 'have a crush' or 'fall in love' with one of these girls. Usually it will end by her 'breaking up' (at least the tension) by saying she's not really interested. The rejected man has to move on.
When a girl has princess syndrome, she's probably not worth going after.
Man I didn't realize it at first, but the girl i met last night definitely suffered from princess syndrome.
by poopripper January 5, 2015
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