1 definition by pissedofffacebookuser

Something someone does on Facebook, for example, to destroy someone's news feed. This often happens on a daily basis causing them to be unfriended frequently. But they don't care, because they are most likely a douche anyways. They constantly upload videos, link youtube videos, post status' and pictures. These status' often include very mediocre statements, ideas and information. Once in awhile they post something interesting, but most likely, they wont.
Chance posted a link.

Chance updated his status... 40 times.

Chance posted a link...

Chance wrote on So-and-so's wall.

Chance posted yet another a link.

Chance was tagged in a photo... of himself.

Chance updated his status.

Chance likes your status.

Chance likes "Mass Trolling."
by pissedofffacebookuser December 20, 2011
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