4 definitions by pi squared

1. An awesome mind-blowing Crazy anime made by the Gainax Studio.

2. A word that can mean many things

3. A word that implies sexuality such as if some girl was hugging some dude, you could yell out Fooly Cooly
Right when someone is dancing at a dance, a boy yelled, "Fooly Cooly"
by pi squared March 24, 2005
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Alright it's the slang term for poliester poliester is the stuff that they make t-shirts out of.
"It's an Ester shirt"
by pi squared March 24, 2005
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favorite five

This was made up by Sarah Lane on the Screen Savers
Here's the Fiverate movies of the day
by pi squared March 24, 2005
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Magic Finder often used in Diablo2
magic finders use magic to find rare items.
My mage is one helluva Magic Finder
by pi squared March 24, 2005
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