1 definition by pht91

A small town in south east Virginia near Yorktown meaning "Great Swamp". Population of approximately 11,000-12,000 people mostly white with a few minorities mostly Asian. Contrary to popular belief the majority of Poquoson residents are not racists, but unfortunately there is a rather loud minority especially in the older generations. A nice town to raise a family in. A safe town where any real crime other than drugs is major news. Poquoson is a major hub for importing drugs from surrounding areas and states because of its large amount of isolated waterways and a generally lazy or bored police force although it is not seen publicly or generally spoken of. Also as with many small towns any information or rumors told to even a single person quickly spreads to everyone else in town. A major landmark and meeting area, especially for the youth, is Poquoson High School. Whether its for classes, sports or just to hang out you will almost always find someone there. In days gone by a major group in the high school was the Poquoson High School marching band, but regrettably the band has fallen off in recent years. Most of Poquoson's residents are military which leads to an almost constant flow of people moving into and out of Poquoson. A large majority of other people living in Poquoson commute out of Poquoson to work in the morning in the surrounding areas and come back in the evening. In general it is a nice place to live if you can handle the occasional redneck and mosquitoes.
Six cop cars for two kids out at 4:00 in the morning? Only in Poquoson.

Tell a friend a story from the weekend. Turn around to talk to someone else about it and have your story told to you. Only in Poquoson.
by pht91 April 8, 2011
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