1 definition by phdtalkalot

A term to refer to people of the African diaspora, who are significantly or predominantly of African descent ;

A person (predominantly) of African descent. ;

An alternate and/or more preferred term than "black".
Abby: "So you're technically European since you were born in France right?"
Benita: "Yeah, but I'm afrodes. My mom is from Cuba and my dad, Colombia. And I also used to live in Cuba after moving from France when I was about six years old."


Carlita: "Wait so how are you black but you're Jamaican and Cuban?"
Naomi : "Well I guess that was just how I was born haha. And I personally prefer the term afro-des."
Carlita: "Wait what do you mean? Why would you rather be called that than black?"
Naomi : "Well, I am not a color. No one is the color black, or even white haha. Those terms to me are completely outdated, just like "colored" and other inappropriate terminology. So, I would much rather be identified or classified by my inheritance, heritage, and descendance, rather than a color. I just think it's much more appropriate and accurate. And for years, we've used these "white" and "black" terms as if they are supposed to be relative to ethnic and racial groups' skin colors, although we often all come from different complexions and shades regardless of our heritage and racial grouping."
by phdtalkalot December 26, 2020
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