2 definitions by peekle

A conversation between two people who have spent the day snorting various stimulants, tipified by short (or long) bursts of rapid-fire speech directed at the recipient rather than to them.
'those two have been deep in battlechat since we got to the club!'
'Yeah, that stuff's pretty potent.'
by peekle April 30, 2010
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same as stealth call. When you have run out of credit or are just tight, you ring someone but only let it ring once so they call you back.

'My Dad keeps one-ring stinging me so he doesnt have to use his credit the tight-arse!'

or you can employ this as a method of letting someone know you got in safe after a drunken night out:
'My Dad keeps one-ring stinging me so he doesnt have to use his credit the tight-arse!'

'just gimme a one-ring sting when u get in so i know ur ok'
by peekle April 30, 2010
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