2 definitions by paddler555

The act of lifting the bow of a whitewater kayak while going over rocks, waves, or waterfalls, in order to launch over hydraulics ("holes") or rocks. The name is derived from the sensation that it gives the kayaker, which is similar to rectal administration of drugs.
Charlie had such a sweet boof off of Little River Falls! All the cool kayakers are doing it - why plug the hole when you can boof it.
by paddler555 February 7, 2011
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To lift the bow of a whitewater kayak while going over rocks, waves, or waterfalls, in order to launch over hydraulics ("holes") or rocks. The name is derived from the sensation that it gives the kayaker, which is similar to rectal administration of drugs.
Boofing on the Little River was such a rush today. Why would you ever plug the hole, when you can boof over it?
by paddler555 February 7, 2011
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