2 definitions by originaliswrong

Coercively Assigned Male At Birth. Doctors designate expected gender identity based upon anatomy at birth. Cisgender men, trans* women, non-binary people, and intersex people may be CAMAB.
mother after giving birth: "Is it a girl or a boy?"
doctor: "It's CAMAB."
mother: "...?"
doctor: "Its external anatomy mirrors that of many males, but we don't actually know if it's a boy or not. You'll have to wait and see."
by originaliswrong May 23, 2014
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Coercively Assigned Female At Birth. Doctors designate expected gender identity based upon anatomy at birth. Cisgender women, trans* men, non-binary people, and intersex people may be CAFAB.
mother after giving birth: "Is it a girl or a boy?"
doctor: "It's CAFAB."
mother: "...?"
doctor: "Its external anatomy mirrors that of many females, but we don't actually know if it's a girl or not. You'll have to wait and see."
by originaliswrong May 23, 2014
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