1 definition by omgitschinatown

1. Genre in music that is a hybrid of emo rock and hardcore.
2. New subcult that is a mix of emo and scene. The music is screamo and emo, but the appearance and characteristics are closer to scene. Screamos are also Myspace whores, and yes, the guys are a bunch of metros.
1. Hawthorne Heights, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, etc.
2. Screamo kid: Hi, I'm a screamo kid!
Kid: Who?
Screamo kid: Screamo kid!
Kid: You mean emo?
Screamo kid: No!
Kid: You mean scenester?
Screamo: NO!!!!
Kid: Uhh...
Screamo: We're new. Not very common 'round these parts. *looks around*
Kid: Yeah, I can tell...
by omgitschinatown April 18, 2006
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